
How to Unlock Your Inner Energy 🔑

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We’ve all been there: you know you should do something—whether it's exercising, working, or cleaning up—but instead, you find yourself scrolling through social media.
Why is it so hard to get motivated? And more importantly, how can we change that?

Why it is hard to be motivated.

Our brain is wired to choose the path of least resistance. Tasks that seem boring or tough activate the "safety mode."

There are also a lot of other factors holding us back. Sometimes tasks seem a lot more challenging than they really are. Or we don’t see the positive impact and rewards of getting things done.

Some of us just keep planning what they are going to do, spending a lot time on details instead of just doing it. We are anxious to start, because we fear setbacks or failure.

However, there are methods to overcome this obstacle and boost your motivation. 💪

The thing about motivation.

You surely know the feeling of being highly motivated. Think about what did motivate you lately to do something.

Most of the time, we are motivated because we really want what we gain from our efforts.
Or in general, you are motivated because it is important to you.

But it is not always that easy. We have to get motivated for so many tasks that are maybe important to us but it’s a lot of work. Or it is not important to us at all but we have to do it nevertheless.

So how can we boost our motivation?

In general, I am highly motivated to go to the gym. However, there are some days where even I really struggle to get up and work out.
On such days, I watch some videos of “gym guys”. Watching them pump and growing their muscles and feeling good makes me want that too.

This may be one approach for you as well, if you struggle to hit the gym.
However, this may be just something that works for me, because I get motivated by results like “growing muscles”.

Thankfully, there are some more general tips to get motivated, like:

  • Self-reward

  • The 5-minute trick

  • “Eat that frog” method

Self-motivation is a skill you can train. Small steps, rewards, and a clear vision help you stay motivated in daily life. Remember: every little bit of progress counts!

Learn more about the power of self-reflection and how you can get more motivated by reading the full article here.

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Self-Made: my Journey